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My name is Luke Allen

I am a games programmer studying Games Design and Production at Abertay University. I also have a higher qualification in NextGen Skills Academy.


Games have been an integral part of my life for a long time, when leaving school I learned of a course at college that offered games design, I have been developing my own games and team projects ever since then!


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My name is Luke Allen. I am a passionate games designer, with interest in  Producing and Programming games, working from Dundee in Scotland.


I am currently studying games design and production at Abertay University but, I started my journey into games design in 2018, at Sunderland Bede College, and I have been making games, prototypes and side projects ever since then.
I have excellent team working skills and I have been involved in multiple team projects whilst studying games design. I also possess great independence skills as I like to work on side projects and develop these, I have also done many solo projects during University which can also be found on my portfolio.


I have always had a fond passion for games ever since I was young, playing games back then was always fun and intriguing to me as I wanted to know how it was done, and how the magic was created in these vast worlds. My experiences in the past, and the fun happy memories it brought me make me involved in providing excellent quality games that can be loved my many, I always strive to make the highest quality games that I can.

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