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Shadow Man

Released (17/05/23)

This was a solo project developed for a module at Abertay University. The projects intention was to be a learn both Shaders and State Machines. I programmed and designed the game and level however for this project I used pre-bought and free assets. These will be listed at the bottom of the page. 


The Project

As stated above the projects intention was for me to learn about shaders and state machines as I had not worked with these before, however for the project I wanted to create something a little different. My inspiration for the game was to create an enemy that instilled terror over traditional fear. 
Terror is the anticipation of seeing something horrific, where as horror is the physical seeing of something horrific.

Level Design:

The following photos show the iterations and build up of the individual elements that create the final level. The photos show an increase in layers and show the design process. 

Enemy State Machine:

Enemy IDLE/Stalking State:

The next pictures show the IDLE and Stalking state of the enemy. The IDLE state is a state where the enemy resides and makes choices on what they should do next, the stalk state is a state where the enemy watches the player from a distance and the state is used to increase tension and make the player feel nervous.

Enemy Ring State:

Attack/Imitate & Stun states:

Other Scripts:

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